Video Editing Gallery

Shared exhibition of sound, video and performance art. Here a work in progress is displayed via projection

Shared exhibition of sound, video and performance art. Here a work in progress is displayed via projection
'Gyrate', 2023
Stop-motion animation of mono-prints created with plants foraged from the local heath along with audio, sourced from the areas of wildlife that the plants have been picked to be pressed. 'Gyrate' explores how the mundanity of 'fallen to the floor' organisms can be resurrected and manipulated into a new lifeform with the help of simple method of stop-motion animating the inanimate.
'sPIDERPOND', 2023
In this piece the morphing of nostalgia and memory with reality are played with. Using collected 'aesthetical' footage, the best parts are brought forward but are fogged by nonsensical sights such as waves, mimicking the breathing. 'sPIDERPOND' guides you through a sort of meditative state. Is what you are sensing enough for you to consider this reality? Is reality enough for you? Here we can test our connection with ourselves and what e know to be true.
'Not Working', 2019
Linear short film. Character doesn't want to work, loses pen, tries pencil, lead snaps, gives up, finds initial pen, do they even bother at this point?